Anyway . . .
I showed up for my appointment at 11 a.m., and was horrified to find out that my primary doctor had not faxed over my referral, although they were supposed to do so yesterday. So then I had to get them on the telephone and beg them to send it. And while I was on the phone begging, the reception at Dr. Meilahn's office was saying that she would have to cancel this appointment and reschedule me . . . FOR MAY . . . since I wasn't ready and they were already on a tight schedule. Talking about panic!!!!
I finally got the referral faxed over (actually it was sent over by something called Navnet), but by then the doctor had gone to lunch . . . so I didn't actually get to see him until after 1 p.m. Let me tell you, I did NOT mind waiting the two hours . . . so much better than waiting two months, you know?
First I saw the nurse, who weighed me, interviewed me about my medical history -- even though I had filled out this long-assed form detailing all that -- and went over the types of surgeries again. Then she talked to me about the various things I'd have to get done before I would be able to get the surgery.
Then Dr. Meilahn came in an examined me. It was at first hoped that the surgery would be done using a laparoscopic procedure -- a minimally invasive procedure where they use very small incisions rather than one long one, but because of the gallbladder surgery I had in 1983 which left with a very long nasty scar, there may be some doubt as to whether I can have successful laparoscopic because of underlying scar tissue. They're going to try . . . but the decision may be made after I'm already knocked out to switch to the long incision. I don't care, though.
Dr. Meilahn also said that he would like me to lose 10 pounds before I get the surgery. Cool. One reason, he said, was by my losing weight I would be shrinking my liver which lies right on top of the stomach. I didn't know that!
Also, my losing the 10 pounds by using the guidelines they gave me proves that I'll likely stick by the dietary guidelines I need to abide by after the surgery. No problem . . . I can do it!
In addition, before I get the surgery:
I have to get an upper and lower GI.
I have to see a cardiologist to get clearance.
I have to see a psychologist to get clearance.
I have to get a sleep study done.
I have to get all kinds of blood work done.
I was like . . . cool! Can we do it next week??
No, we can't.
All of the above medical prerequisites have to be done through the Bariatrics Program so that they know it will be done in a way that my insurance company will accept. They estimate that it will take about two months to get everything done.
So, my next appointment to see Dr. Meilahn is set for May 19th . . . and if I have everything completed by then we can set the surgery for the next available date. Which means I might be able to get my surgery done in the next two months!
Git 'er done.